HOME SPONSORS NOMINATE SPEAKER ABOUT US Register Nominate Speaker Virtual Conferences Virtual Conferences MONEY FOR GOOD: Wed. March 31 - Thurs. April 1 NEXT GEN SUMMIT 2021: Wed. May 5 - Thurs. May 6 ACCELERATING THE PURPOSE ECONOMY: Wed. June 16 - Thurs. June 17 ESG & IMPACT INVESTING - AUSTRALIA: Wed. July 28 - Thurs. July 29 2ND HALF 2021 EVENTS (TBA) First Name of Nominated Speaker Last Name of Nominated Speaker Title Affiliation/Company Email of Nominated Speaker Phone Number URLs Brief Biography Talk Description Tracks Tracks The Ecosystem of Impact, SRI & ESG Investing Sustainable Strategies & Innovation (Fortune 500s) Paris & the SDGs Energy, Water & Smart City Revolution Inclusive & Sustainable Economy: It's Time Focus on Base of the Pyramid (Global Impact) Empowering women thru investment Design & new impact opportunities (including cbd/cannibas economy) Nominator Full Name Nominator Email Nominator Phone Number Why this nominee is so compelling to you Submit Nomination