The 30th national & global Impact, SRI & ESG event held by SUSTAINATOPIA during the last 12 years.
The Ecosystem of Impact, SRI & ESG Investing
SUSTAINATOPIA curates one of the world’s most powerful networks of leading Impact & SRI Investors, funds, foundations, social entrepreneurs, B Corporations, government agencies, and top intermediaries in order the accelerate the flow of capital to projects and investments
Energy, Water & Smart City Revolution
Clean Tech & Energy, and Water includes leading investors, companies in renewable energy, recycling, info tech, green transport, green chemistry, buildings. Water Investment is a continuation of our previously successful California program . Smart Cities focuses on both tech and non-tech solutions to developing more sustainable communities and better quality living standards.
Focus on Base of the Pyramid
(Global Impact)
Impact & Sustainability is truly Global! This track is specific to the leaders of organizations of all sizes targeting the base of the pyramid in communities around the world. For both long-standing experienced global development organizations and also new social entrepreneurs + small non-profits also welcome.
Sustainable Strategies & Innovation
(Fortune 500s)
Focus on Fortune 500 companies: Leading Executives For Latest Trends in Strategic Branding & Sustainable Innovations.
Paris & the SDGs
Paris in 2020 includes special workshops + sessions for Paris Under2 Coalition members + other sustainability professionals. Both tech and non-tech solutions featured as well as underserved & collaborative solutions.
(New) Design & New Impact Opportunities (including cbd/cannibas economy)
(New) Empowering Women thru Investment

Become a Sponsor
The Web Conference 2020 has several sponsorship packages available, providing sponsors with a choice of advertising exposure related to your financial commitment. And it is also a good opportunity to renew friendships and establish new working opportunities.

Contact us

DVK, Inc. ©2021
DVK, Inc. is Founder & Operator of Sustainatopia